Farmers Exchange Rate of Lampung Province Up 0.13 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Timur Regency


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Farmers Exchange Rate of Lampung Province Up 0.13 Percent

Release Date : December 7, 2023
File Size : 0.51 MB


NTP Lampung Province April 2018 for each subsector recorded Rice & Palawija Subsector (NTP-P) (114,10), Horticulture (NTP-H) (95,11); (NTP-P) (114.92), Fishing Fish (111.97), and Aquaculture (94.21). While NTP Lampung Province was recorded at 105.83.

April 2018, several commodities experienced price increases, among others in food crops sub-sector, horticulture, livestock, and cultivation fishery sub-sectors such as cassava, some vegetables and fruits, poultry, and some species of aquaculture. While the sub-sector of plantation and capture fisheries have decreased prices, among others, in coffee, rubber, and some types of catch fish.

In detail the increase or decrease of NTP April 2018, food crops sub-sector rose 0.58 percent, horticultural crops sub-sector increased by 1.18 percent, the subsector of smallholder estates fell by 0.86 percent, the livestock sub-sector rose by 0.06 percent, capture fisheries fell by 0.38 percent, and the aquaculture subsector rose by 0.67 percent. NTP Lampung Province jointly increased by 0.13 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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