Transportation in Lampung Province February 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Timur Regency


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Transportation in Lampung Province February 2018

Release Date : December 7, 2023
File Size : 0.67 MB


The number of train passengers departing from Tanjung Karang Train Station Lampung in February 2018 as many as 61,265 people, down by 10.12 percent compared to January 2018 as many as 68,162 people. On the contrary, when compared to last year that was February 2017 experienced an increase, that is equal to 34.23 percent.

The number of passengers aboard the ferry departing through the Bakauheni Crossing Port of Lampung in February 2018 was 93,508 people, down by 36.38 percent compared to January 2018 of 146,979 people. The number of vehicles transported through Bakauheni Port in February 2018 was 139,804 vehicles, down by 10.55 percent compared to January 2018 at 156,286 vehicles. Meanwhile, goods loaded through the Port of Panjang in February 2018 was recorded at 1,322,872 tons, down by 4.85 percent compared to January 2018 which reached 1,390,266 tons. For goods dismantled in February 2018 as many as 1,052,267 tons, also decreased by 8.56 percent compared to January 2018 which only reached 1150734 tons.

Airplane passengers departing from Raden Inten II Airport in February 2018 were 106,672 people, down by 3.43 percent compared to January 2018 of 110,466 people. Meanwhile, airplane passengers who arrived at the Airport Raden Inten II in February 2018 as many as 104,941 people, also decreased by 7.44 percent compared to January 2018 as many as 113,372 people. Goods loaded from Raden Inten II Airport Lampung Province in February 2018 as much as 768,818 kg, up by 15.75 percent when compared with January 2018 amounted to 664,193 kg. The development of goods dismantled in February 2018 as much as 992,081 kg, down by 25.71 percent compared to January 2018 that is as much as 789,167 kg.
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