Development of Transportation of Lampung Province in June 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Timur Regency


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Development of Transportation of Lampung Province in June 2017

Release Date : December 4, 2023
File Size : 0.66 MB


The number of train passengers who departed from Tanjung Karang Train Station Lampung in June 2017 as many as 51,716 people, down by 13.96 percent when compared to May 2017 as many as 60,109 people. Meanwhile, when compared to last year that is in June 2016 has increased, amounting to 23.39 percent.
The number of passengers aboard the ferry departing through the Bakauheni Crossing Port of Lampung in June 2017 was 137,484 people, up by 31.01 percent compared to May's 104,939 people. While the number of vehicles transported through the Port of Bakauheni in June 2017 as many as 156,669 vehicles increased by 10.09 percent when compared to May 2017 as many as 142,305 vehicles. Meanwhile, goods loaded through the Port of Panjang in June 2017 amounted to 1,229,260 tons, down by 48.27 percent compared to May 2017 reached 2,376,311 tons. For goods dismantled in June 2017 as many as 964,014 tons, down by 47.77 percent compared to May 2017 as many as 1,845,821 tons.
The number of airplane passengers departing from Radin Inten II Airport in June 2017 was 91,007 people, down by 13.75 percent compared to May 2017 of 95,142 people. Meanwhile, the number of passengers arriving at Raden Inten II Airport in June 2017 was 95,781 people, down by 1.25 percent compared to 96.994 in May 2017. The number of goods loaded from Raden Inten II Airport of Lampung Province in June 2017 was 633,632 kg, up by 2.67 percent compared to May 2017 which reached 617,163 kg. The number of goods dismantled at Radin Inten II Airport in June 2017 reached 929,693 kg, up by 0.76 percent compared to May 2017 which was 922,685 kg.
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