The Overviwe of Lampung Province Transportation, April 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Timur Regency


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The Overviwe of Lampung Province Transportation, April 2017

Release Date : December 4, 2023
File Size : 0.66 MB


  • The number of train passengers departing from Tanjung Karang Train Station Lampung in April 2017 was 56.154 people, up by 2.89 percent compared to March 2017 which was 54,575 people. Meanwhile, when compared to last year that is April 2016 also experienced a significant increase of 79.24 percent.
  • The number of passengers aboard the ferry departing through Bakebereni Crossing Port of Lampung in April 2017 was 108,389 people, up by 6.91 percent compared to March 2017 of 101,387 people. While the number of vehicles transported through the Port of Bakauheni in April 2017 as many as 142,049 vehicles rose by 3.64 percent compared to March 2017 as much as 137,064 vehicles. Meanwhile, goods loaded through Port of Panjang in April 2017 reached 2,453,618 tons, an increase of 12.87 percent compared to March 2017 amounting to 2,173,793 tons. For goods dismantled in April 2017 as much as 832,983 tons, an increase of 31.44 percent compared to March 2017 of 633,724 tons.
  • Airplane passengers departing from Raden Inten II Airport in April 2017 were 86,557 people, down by 8.47 percent compared to March 2017 of 94,570 people. Meanwhile, passengers of aircraft that arrived at Raden Inten II Airport in April 2017 as many as 82,022 people, down by 8.97 percent compared to March 2017 that is as many as 90,105 people. Goods loaded from Raden Inten II Airport Lampung Province in April 2017 as much as 559,735 kg, down by 7.10 percent compared to March 2017 which reached 602,534 kg. The development of goods dismantled in April 2017 reached 781.253 kg, down by 8.98 percent compared to March 2017 which reached 858,349 kg.
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