Consumer Tendency Index of Lampung Province: Quarter IV 2019 and Estimation Quarter I 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lampung Timur Regency


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Consumer Tendency Index of Lampung Province: Quarter IV 2019 and Estimation Quarter I 2020

Release Date : March 18, 2020
File Size : 0.6 MB


The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) is an indicator of the latest economic development of consumers produced by the Central Statistics Agency through the Consumer Tendency Survey (STK). ITK is an index that describes economic conditions consumers in the current quarter and forecasts for the coming quarter.

The number of STK samples in quarter IV-2019 was 14,600 households in all provinces in Indonesia. STK respondents in quarter IV-2019 in Lampung Province were 300 respondents, selected in the middle and high category census block strata based on the "wealth index" and a subsample of the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) specifically in urban area. The sample selection is done in a panel to obtain a more accurate picture of changes in consumer perceptions between times.

The value of ITK Lampung Province quarter IV-2019 amounted to 107.08. This shows the economic conditions Lampung consumers in quarter IV-2019 increased compared to the previous quarter.
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